Monday, March 30, 2015

Quick Update & News!

Hey Everyone!! I figured I would let everyone know my surgery for my wisdom tooth went great. I am in a lot of pain and still pretty drowsy from the anesthesia, but overall feeling good. I am obviously not going to be able to do my run today (which I was hoping that I would at least try) - yeah it's definitely not going to happen. Tomorrow is a new day, and as long as I am feeling good, I will be running my 10.

I also have some exciting news, I have a company which I reviewed for my StrideBox who were kind enough to send me different samples to test! I am really excited about this company since it is up and coming, and I do feel they have a great product! 

Also, a wonderful woman from Etsy who makes headbands for running sent me one to try and review for you guys too! I will be trying this out on my run tomorrow (since it is a fairly long one) and will have a review of both products by the end of the week!


Sunday, March 29, 2015

I WILL Succeed!

Hard to believe it is almost April and even harder to believe there is only 34 days till the Marathon. When I first started getting a base back in November it seemed like I had forever to go, and now it really is almost here!

Honestly as much as I am looking forward to the Marathon, I am ready for it to be over - and to say "I ran a Marathon." I have been having a tough time with training lately, and haven't been able to do some of my runs. A lot of it is beyond my control - kids being sick, me being sick, I have been dealing with some personal issues lately; this has been taking a toll on me!

I missed my Half Marathon on Saturday which I was SO excited for. I ended up getting the stomach flu Thursday evening and I am just now feeling like myself. I am pretty sure I slept most of my weekend away! My daughter started getting sick today (again), she seems to be getting the stomach flu now too, and I learned on Friday her ear infection never went away. They put her on a stronger antibiotic so I pray that this works for her!

I ended up missing a ton of runs last weekend due to my son being sick - he was the first to get the stomach flu last week. Tomorrow I have to get my wisdom tooth out because it is causing me issues, unfortunately they have to put me out for it - so there goes another training run I will more than likely have to miss.

I really hope I can start posting more upbeat update's on my training! I am planning; as long as everything goes smoothly to really put everything (and some) into my training starting Tuesday. I was so proud of myself after I ran that 18 miler - I want to keep feeling that way.


Monday, March 23, 2015


StrideBox Subscription Service

ChickyBands (Etsy Shop)

Ice3 (Cubed) Cooling Towelettes

TheFlatFanny (Etsy Shop)

RunnerBox Subscription Service

Longest Run Ever - Running with Friends!

I have been getting pretty down on myself over missing some runs or having to shorten some. It can be tough training when you have kids sick, a small injury or being sick yourself. Not going to lie I have been a little behind, and this has been stressing me out ALOT!

Yesterday, Joe called me before my run and sounded a little nervous about my training. Just letting me know I need to get the miles in, long runs are important - that kind of stuff. I got off the phone with him feeling pretty down but knew I would try to make the 14 mile run I had that day a good one.

We started the run out and I was feeling good, got 6 miles in and seen Dodie who let us know we were more than welcome to run with her, Heather and James, so we took the offer. We got to run for them with awhile which was nice - they turned around when me and Joe were at 10 miles. We continued on and Joe asked me how I felt and would I like to try and get 16 in - I said sure.

On our way back to the cars I knew we were going to finish 17 miles in - I asked Joe lets just do 18 (figured might as well). The last mile was rough, my legs hurt so bad - I even said to Joe "why won't they just go numb already, so then I can be pain free". Joe is the best coach ever though he kept talking to me so I could keep my mind off everything. Right at the end of the 18 miles I sprinted to my car (obviously I had more in me - this I find crazy about running - one min. you have nothing left and you can just pull energy from somewhere the next). I have never been so proud of myself for doing 18 miles, that is the longest I have ever went, and though I was hurting I felt great at the same time.

Today my legs feel great, my backs the only thing hurting but I think that is because I had my hydration belt on. I am now AHEAD of what I needed to be at - I feel so great and that run really made me appreciate this training. Hard to believe that in a little over a month I will be standing at the starting line of the Pittsburgh Marathon.

Me and Joe after the 18 miler - I am still smiling so that's a good thing!


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Running is a Pain in the Knee!

I really can't seem to catch a break - either the kids are sick, I am sick or I am having pain somewhere in my body associated with running. This week it was my left knee - and my son having a double ear infection and being sick..again!

Monday was my rest day so I got back to running on Tuesday - did my 5 miles and noticed when I was done, I had the worst pain in my left knee/leg. I was originally supposed to do 8 miles on Wednesday but took it easy and was lucky and got 4 out of it. Thursday when I woke up my pain was completely gone, it was really bizarre since I never had this happen before. I got 5 miles in that night and felt great, got 5 miles in yesterday and still continue to feel great! Sunday I am supposed to run 14 with Joe so *fingers crossed* the pain is completely gone and does not return.

Next Saturday is my first actual road race of the year - Cook's Forest Half Marathon. I am really looking forward to this just so I can see where I am at in my training. I am also looking forward to seeing my friends! Hard to believe we are going to be in April soon - the countdown to the Marathon is definitely on.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Monday, March 16, 2015

What A Week Last Week Was!!!!

To many I have been missing in action - last week for me was awful!! Starting out the week my son had a rough day in school, which his crankiness attributed to the start of him getting sick...again! I believe he had the stomach bug but he ended up missing 2 days of school. He goes to school Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays - so he ended up only having one day in school last week. I also got a (news) bomb dropped on me from someone, so I had that on my mind a lot. I was in a really bad funk to which didn't help.

Thursday night my daughter started getting the stomach bug, and that night I truly wanted to cry - we got absolutely no sleep, I ended up changing her clothes about 4-5 times and our bed once. My son also got sick that night to, while I was trying to clean up my daughters mess! I also found out I need to get my wisdom tooth out and that I have 10 small cavities (I am sorry but I still don't understand how the hell that happened). 

Friday (of course it was the 13th) anything that could go wrong, went wrong. I had to wash my pillow, since she got sick all over it. I put it in the dryer on delicate and it exploded everywhere!!! Just to add the pillow was down, so I had feathers all over the place. I also found out my daughter had a ruptured ear drum, so now she is on antibiotics and drops - which she is not a fan of.

I missed two 5 mile days last week due to the kids being sick but, what can you do. I love running but the kids definitely come first. I was able to get my 12 mile, long run in on Sunday. This run was amazing!!! I got to clear my mind, think a lot, be alone, it was just what I needed. I ran in some new areas of my city, and the my legs felt great till about the end - the hills I had to climb to get to my house didn't help.

On a good note though I got to go to one of my friends baby showers. It was a lot of fun, and I got to see a couple more of my friends there. I cannot wait for my friend to have her baby girl - I definitely need a baby fix!! :]

Today I found out that I have to get put under to get my wisdom tooth out. No biggie but, I have never been put under for a dental procedure, all my other extractions were with a local. 

I am really hoping this week is better - I cannot endure another week like last week so soon. Sorry for such a negative post but, it feels better getting that all out. It also proves that running can sometimes fix bad days and bad weeks.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

#StrideBox Review

Hey Everyone! I really wanted to do this post/review as a video but, with having two kids sick for over a week - it just didn't happen. I hope everyone enjoys this! I will leave link's to all of the products as well as to StrideBox. 

If you do not know what StrideBox is, it is a Monthly Subscription Service that sends a box of 5-7 products that would be beneficial for runners and even people who workout. Each month the products are different, and vary from nutrition to accessories and apparel. 

StrideBox was very generous and sent me their March box to try out and review. I received my box about a week ago, and was able to try out all the products. This way I could give everyone an honest review of what I thought of each product.

My first impression of the Stridebox was, I really liked the quote they had on the side of their box - which deals with running, of course. I also liked how they packaged the products, inside had green tissue paper (For St. Patricks Day) and the cute sticker to hold it all in.

I was really excited to try the products since a few of them were brands I never heard of - so here is my review of each one:

Bonk Breaker - Energy Chews in Orange Tangerine

I used these chews during one of my 8 mile runs; normally I don't do fuels during shorter runs like that but, I was curious on if the product worked. It says that you can use this before and during your run. The flavor itself wasn't bad, and didn't leave a weird aftertaste like some chews/fuels do. I did feel a small burst of energy from this, and I liked that it didn't upset my stomach. I would love to try other products from this brand, since I did have a positive outcome from these chews.

Untapped - Pure Vermont Maple Syrup

I was very excited to try this product since I love maple syrup and it can be used like a gel. I figured this would be a win-win. Personally, I did not like this, the taste wasn't awful but the texture wasn't the best. I did not feel like I got any energy from this, even though it felt like I just ate pure sugar. This was a no-go for me.

Health Warrior - Chia Bar in Mango

In my StrideBox I got the Mango Chia Bar and I went and bought the Coconut and Chocolate Peanut Butter to try as well. These can be used before and after a run or workout. I personally did not like the Mango flavor but, I really liked the Coconut flavor - it reminded me of a Girl Scout Samoa Cookie (minus the chocolate). I have not tried the Chocolate Peanut Butter yet, but will let everyone know what I think of it!

SOS - Hydration Drink Mix in Citrus

This product is one that you can use before or during activity. I used this while running on the treadmill, instead of my usual plain water. I really liked the taste, it wasn't super sour and had almost a light Lemonade taste. It is an electrolyte mix which is supposed to improve focus, stamina and physical performance while keeping you hydrated. I would buy this product again and would love to try other flavors. You can also use more that one packet depending on the activity you are doing.

Honey Stinger - Energy Bar in Peanut Butter N'Honey

This was my first time trying a Honey Stinger Product. I liked the flavor I was sent, it had a really strong Honey flavor (which I am a fan of Honey). This can be used before or after a workout/run for energy. It mentions on the StrideBox - Stride Guide that it includes 30% natural honey for an energy boost before training or racing. I did not notice an energy boost after eating this but, it was a quick after run snack for me, that tasted really good!

Arena Sciences - Ice(3) Cooling Towel

This was another product I was really excited to try out! I used this during my longer run and it does exactly what it promised. I felt cool instantly and it lasted for quite a long time. It looks just like a Baby Wipe/Makeup Wipe and you just rub it on your arms, legs, back, neck and forehead. I got the mint scent which was a bit strong. The only downfall was it left a sticky feeling on my hands, which did eventually go away, so if you can I would wash your hands after using this product.

StrideBox - Stretch Strap

Finally, the last product I received is the StrideBox Stretch Strap. This product came with a card to show you simple ways to use the Strap to target certain areas. This product does exactly what it promises and you get a good stretch from it! I plan on using this after my runs from now on!

Lastly, I just want to Thank StrideBox again for giving me this opportunity to try the StrideBox and to show you guys these products. This is a great Subscription Box - I really recommend everyone to at least try, I had a lot of fun trying out these products and even found some new favorites. Here is the link for everyone interested:


Sunday, March 8, 2015

55 Days Until Pittsburgh & A Sneak Peek!

I hope everyone had a great weekend, I know I did even though it was slightly hectic at times. My son had a great Birthday and had so much fun at his pool party with family & friends. It felt great getting in the hot tub, I really need to invest in one of those! ;]

Saturday is normally my long run day but, we switched it up due to my sons party - so it was today. Me and Joe ran our 10 miles and the weather was great besides the headwinds on the way back. It felt great being able to run outside, the only downfall was the puddles everywhere - my feet were soaked only a mile in. My legs started to get tired around mile 8, which I expected since I haven't done this distance for awhile (due to being sick). I am hoping to get some nice days this week so I can for once get outside to run!

10 Miles Done :]

I will be working on something different for the blog within the next couple days - here is a sneak peek...


Friday, March 6, 2015

Big Day Tomorrow & Finally Feeling Like Myself!

I am finally feeling back to myself - runs are easier, and my breathing is getting better. Hard to believe a case of Bronchitis set me back a week of running!

Yesterday, I did 4 miles on the treadmill and was finally able to breathe after I got off. Today I did 5 miles and it was pretty easy, went quick and I felt great/like I could of ran more once I was done. Sunday is my long run day this week and I will be doing between 8 or 10, it just depends on how I am feeling. I will probably post again either Sunday night or Monday - this weekend is going to be pretty busy.

Tomorrow is a big day for my family, my son is turning 5. We are having a pool party for him, he is so excited to spend the day with family and friends. These past 5 years have flew on by - honestly it feels like I was just in the hospital holding him for the first time. I cannot wait to watch him grow and learn - he is VERY excited about Kindergarten, and he is playing Soccer for the first time this year too! I love you so much Mark!!! :]

Have a Great Weekend!


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Getting Back on Track!

After a full week I am finally back at running! Today was an easy run, I only had to do 3 miles. It felt great running again, and it didn't take long for my body to adjust. I know sometimes if I haven't ran in awhile its hard to get my breathing and stride right. The only downfall to today's run was I could tell I had heaviness in my chest. I plan on doing the next couple runs inside on my treadmill till I am 100 percent feeling better. This weeks schedule is pretty easy anyways to get back on track - especially since I have been so sick.

I also found out something pretty exciting today, that I will be showing on my blog in the next couple of weeks! :]


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Quick Update.

I am going through running withdrawal - I cannot wait till I am feeling better! If you keep up with my blog you know I have been dealing with a bad cold for the past week or so - well I finally gave in yesterday and went to the Doctor. I found out I have Bronchitis and a Sinus Infection - no wonder I was getting out of breath so easily. Hopefully I am on the up now - and would like to start running tomorrow (depending on how I feel). I do feel this is a setback but I will come back from it!


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Awful Week!!

It is finally March, training will start to get more intense from here. Hopefully the weather starts to change and we start having Spring like temperatures/weather. I am excited for speed training and longer runs! March has came in like a lion so far - more snow! :[

If you don't know I have been sick with a pretty nasty cold since last weekend - I missed out on a ton of running this week/weekend. I ran my 5 miles Monday - felt okay, ran 8 on Tuesday and it was AWFUL! I was dizzy most of the run, had to take breaks but, pushed myself and finished. That night I had no energy and started getting even more sick. 

I was supposed to run 6 miles on Wednesday but me and Joe decided it would be better to rest that day and hopefully Thursday I would be up for my 3 miler. Thursday came and there was no way I was even going to be able to do my 3 - I felt terrible. I figured all this rest would benefit me and I would be ready for the Spring Thaw 20 miler Saturday. Friday whatever I had moved to my chest and I was out, there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to do 20 miles - I was bummed! 

I have been looking forward to the Spring Thaw since Joe told me about it back in January. I felt like I let him down by not being able to go, and that I let a friend down I was supposed to take with me. I have been pretty down all weekend - I really would of loved to see what I could of done at that run and it would of felt great to have a 20 miler done this early in training.

Today I woke up feeling better then I have - I really want to get back on track with my running this week. I am actually looking forward to a good run since I had to miss so much. Looking at my weekly milage bummed me out - 13 for the week and normally I am at 45.

Sorry this post is mostly depressing - next week will be better!
