Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Winter Running.

Trying to run in winter weather has been pretty challenging for me the past week. Just so everyone knows, I am not a fan of winter - I do not like snow, cold, ice and freezing cold wind. I would move to the nearest warm state in a heartbeat if I could. That's why I have been pretty proud of myself for doing most of this training outside. The past few days though, its just not happening.

I planned on running my 7 miler outside yesterday but, it was such a sloppy and gross mess, I picked the treadmill. Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be! I also did my last two miles the fastest. I don't think I will ever be a complete fan of the treadmill but, it really has been a lifesaver for me!

Today was a 6 miler day for training, with my last mile being my fastest. I had planned to run it outside but after seeing how icy some of the sidewalks were, I changed my mind. I jumped on my new friend (at least it seems like that lately) the treadmill and got the miles done, and it wasn't to bad. Later I am going to get back on the treadmill and push out another 1-2 miles. In my training I am supposed to do that 3 days a week. I already did an extra mile Monday night, and I will do it again today and tomorrow. It is supposed to train me to run on tired legs. My legs are SO tired after today's run, so I know tonight is going to be challenging. 

Tomorrow I am running 5 miles and then it is rest day Friday and long run (12 miles) Saturday with Joe. I am really looking forward to rest day! I am tired - but I can definitely tell I am getting stronger and faster so my training is paying off. Can't believe Monday is 4 weeks of training, soon I will be getting into the tougher runs! I am looking forward to it and I am nervous, I know I can do it, but it's defiently scary doing something this big I have never done before.


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