Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Treadmill.

Today I was to run 5 miles with my last mile the fastest - which I accomplished today. It was pretty easy though, seeing I did it all on the treadmill. Today's weather was non stop snow - the sidewalks would of been a nasty mess, so I am glad I own a treadmill and got to stay inside!

When I first started running almost 3 years ago that was how I started - on the treadmill. I had no idea what I was doing and was embarrassed to go run outside. I also was lucky if I could run a minute without being winded. I trained for my first 5k on my treadmill too - I didn't run outside till 2 days before my first 5k and it was an eye opener! The treadmill is a great tool if you are unable to get outside (whatever the reason) but, there is nothing like running outside in the fresh air! Now I only run on my treadmill if I absolutely have too!

I find it hard to get motivated on the treadmill - at least when you are outside you have things to look at to keep your mind busy. I read in a magazine a few days ago to make a playlist on your phone of songs with a common theme, when a certain word comes up, crank the treadmill up and sprint for :30 seconds. Some people like to listen to pod cast's and watch television shows while running. What keeps you motivated on the treadmill?

Tomorrow is Cross Training Day and I am not sure what I have planned to do, my PiYo is supposed to be delivered tomorrow so I might do that. They might also have Volleyball at the church so that is another option.

Thanks everyone for reading - it keeps me motivated knowing the support I have behind me!


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