Hey Everyone! It has been quite awhile since I last updated this blog but then again its been awhile since I have actually been on a run. If you follow me on my Facebook you will know already that life has been throwing me issue after issue.
Two weeks ago it started out my son had the stomach bug, then by the end of the week I got it. I then had to have my wisdom tooth surgically cut out on March 30th, I really thought I could get back to running the next day...I was very wrong. The office said I had to wait at least a week before I could even think about running!
I have had nothing but problems since I had this procedure - my mouth got infected, extreme pain many days after, and then the medicine was actually making me sick; needless to say I really thought I was dying this past Monday - I have never been/felt that sick EVER!
I had went to my post op appointment this Tuesday and asked the surgeon why my mouth/jaw is still really painful, he said that this was a really tough extraction and that the tooth was very deep - well I guess this explains everything!
Now back to running and training and all that fun stuff - today I am planing on running 4 miles. I am actually really nervous to get back to running since I still am in pain, and the surgeon did warn me running could cause more swelling and even more pain. I have to train for this Marathon though it is only weeks away - I am freaking out, not going to lie!!
I had so many goals that I wanted to do at this Marathon in the beginning, but now my only goal is to just finish it. I am not going to lie I have so many emotions running through me lately, I am scared, nervous, worried about "can I really do this". I have been in training since November for this Marathon so I know there is no turning back now, and I don't want to even consider doing that! This is huge for me, and to actually do it will be one of the most amazing moments of my life!!!
Honestly right now I could use all the support I can get! I WILL do this! If everyone could throw me some prayers, good vibes, positive thoughts - whatever you do - I would appreciate that more than anything. I have a tough few weeks of training left and I need to push and give this all I got!!
I also want to mention that I will have reviews up soon of RunnerBox (Subscription Box) with a special code just for those who read my blog. Running Headband (which I have to say I have been wearing, just because it is so cute), Flat Fanny Pack which is made by a wonderful woman on Etsy and the ICE3 Cooling Cloths!
If there is a specific product that you would like to see me review - let me know in the comments or send me a message on Facebook!
Thanks for staying with me through this journey - and I hope everyone has a great day!