Monday, April 13, 2015

Keeping Life Interesting.

I am loving this warm weather we are having in Pennsylvania - its nice playing outside with the kids and running outside! It looks like the rest of the week is going to be in the 60's with some rain but, I will take it over the freezing temps.

Yesterday after the kids had their open house for school (they are so excited they will be right across the hall from each other) - I ran my 5 miles. It went really good, I was nervous because  I had so much pain in my knee after Thursday's run. The pain is thankfully gone so I am glad I took those two days off to rest it.

Today I got outside and ran my 6 miles (the last few were pretty slow). I had a great pace till about mile 4 then it went downhill (and no, not literally). I started overheating, which I should of dressed lighter and got so thirsty (I should of brought water). I ran back home an got there at about 5 miles, so I refueled with some water.

My son was begging me to take him with me for the last mile, so I figured why not. I was SO proud of him, he did awesome, we ran and walked and he did a whole mile in 15 minutes! He is only 5 and he kept right up with me, and said he had so much fun. I really want to do a 5k with him that is run/walk or a fun run like a Color Run. He really turned such an awful run into an amazing run - so glad I took him out for the last mile!

Tomorrow is another 6 mile day - as long as its not raining, I am getting out to run! Hopefully tomorrow's run is a little easier and I can get my breathing down (that is something I struggled with today, which could of been the heat). I got on my Pittsburgh Marathon app on my phone and it says 20 more days!!


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