Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 4 - Cross Training & Piyo.

Hey Everyone! Today is my break from running so I decided to do a workout video, which I did Hip Hop Abs and also did some weights for my arms, shoulders and back - I really need to work on my upper body strength! I also went to my Church and worked out and played Volleyball with a bunch of my friends :] It has definitely been a day full of exercise.

 Me and my daughter (sons in the background) in the Church Gym.

I had posted on my Facebook Group - Western PA Runners and on my Blog Post yesterday that I was looking for Cross Training ideas. I got back a great response but the one I really wanted to try was PIYO. My friend recommended since it is supposed to be a great exercise for runners. I did some research and caved in and ordered it this morning. Not going to lie I am pretty pumped to get it, and try it out! Its supposed to get you lean and strong, which is what I would like to be!

Before I started training for my second Half Marathon I bought myself a training log book from Runners World. I never got around to using it - but as soon as I started Base Training for this Marathon I started keeping track of every run. I don't understand why I didn't do this sooner - I like being able to see how I am improving and to look back at runs. This particular Training Log Book has a bunch of tips and quotes for each week, which I really enjoy looking at. The one quote which really made me think, is what I am going to finish this post with - curious to see everyone's response to it!

"Ask yourself: 'Can I give more?' The answer is usually yes."
-Paul Tergat
-Kenyan Marathon; former world record holder; winner of the New York City Marathon in 2005

 Tomorrow is my 4 mile day! Thanks for reading!


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