What a busy weekend I had (again) - which I think is going to be the case till after Pittsburgh. Friday evening me and the kids went to my friend Meri's sons Birthday - the kids had a blast. They loved running around, "blacklight" golf and playing with their friends.
Saturday was my long run day - 14 miles with Coach Joe. The run went relatively good, even though I had been nervous about running the distance. The only downfall was the roads and parking lots were a sloppy, wet mess! I also started getting some knee pain around mile 9 - stretched it out and it seemed to go away for the rest of the run.
I tried Peanut Butter Gu for the first time on Saturday which was an interesting experience. It tasted like Peanut Butter but, the consistency of it was super thick and pretty gross to be honest. I do think it helped though, so I will give it another shot. I also tried a new after run drink, and it really helped cut down on muscle soreness and recovery!
I also had Volleyball Saturday night (2 games) - and won both of them. I am really proud of my team we are doing really good. I was bummed I missed the 2nd game that night but, I really needed to eat and spend time with my family!
Later that night, my great friend Sarah was having a Birthday Party at the Ski Lodge. It was such a fun night - Sarah had me dying laughing and it was great being around all my friends for a "girls night". I really wish I would of braved the cold to watch them go down the hill on serving trays! haha I love all them girls, its always a fun time with them! :]
Happy Birthday Sarah!!!
Sunday was my rest day - and I made sure I did. I also felt like I was getting sick - which I hoped would be gone before today (Monday). I woke up today, not feeling good at all and having to run 5 miles. I had absolutely no energy to run, but around 3 I decided to get it done. The run wasn't to bad, and went relatively quick. It also helped listening to Classic Rock, especially some AC/DC. My knee pain came back - so I am going to add Jump Roping before or after my runs. I really think this is going to help!
Sweaty After Run Picture.
I have been running on the treadmill the past week and a half, two weeks (don't need getting hurt outside on ice). The way you run on the treadmill uses different muscles then when you run outside - thats where the jump rope comes in. I can try to replicate the "pushing" off the ground with the jump rope - to activate the muscles I have been neglecting. It's worth a shot!
Tomorrow is an 8 mile day with 10 min. of Jump Rope.