Sunday, February 22, 2015

Another Weekend of Snow & Cancelled Plans.

I am still pretty bummed me and Joe weren't able to do the 18 miles Friday - I really feel unprepared for my 20 miler on the 28th. I guess I just need to think positive that I did 16, I can do 4 more miles - I got this! I am one to worry though and normally it is unnecessary. Anyone have any tips for me to get through the 20 miler?

Friday though I did get my 8 miles done that me and Joe had decided that I should do instead. Of course it was on the treadmill, I cannot wait till the day I can get a full week of runs done outside! :]

Saturday, I was all excited because I planned to run with my friend Heidi (she was going to run 5 of the 10 with me). I haven't ran forever with her, so I was really looking forward to it. Of course, it started snowing pretty hard that morning and didn't stop, so our plans were cancelled. I did 10 miles on the treadmill and it was pretty awful - especially after 8 miles. I knew I needed to get this 10 done and there was no way I was running in another blizzard. 

I am ready for winter to be over - I know many of you feel the same way as I do. Hopefully soon the snow will start melting and we will get some warm days in the mix!


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Change of Plans.

Tomorrow I was supposed to run 18 miles, figured it would make me feel more prepared for the 20 miler next Saturday. It is supposed to be freezing tomorrow, we have a windchill advisory tomorrow till the afternoon. Now I am running 8 miles tomorrow on the treadmill and 10 miles outside Saturday and will now have Sunday off. I am really getting tired of the cold - 29 days till the first day of Spring! :]

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Where are you Spring?!?

All my runs this week so far (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) have been done on the treadmill. I am so over the cold weather, ice and tons of snow. Spring can not come soon enough, or at least warm enough weather that I can get outside and actually enjoy my run!

Monday: I did 5 miles with my last mile being the fastest. 

Tuesday: I did 8 miles and did an extra mile later that night. 

Today: I did 4 miles which went great! It felt weird running that distance, since most of my runs lately have been a lot longer!

This week is a little different then my other training weeks since I will be running my long run on Friday (18 miles).  Joe has a Marathon on Sunday so we needed to switch things up but, this actually works out great for me. Saturday I have 3 Volleyball games for the church so that gives me all morning/afternoon to rest for them.

I am pretty nervous about running 18 miles, since this will be the longest I have EVER run. I know I can do it but I am not going to lie, those miles are pretty intimidating!


Monday, February 16, 2015

Running in a Blizzard!

Saturday was my long run day (16 miles) - I knew ahead of time it was supposed to snow but, was hoping it would hold off until after me and Joe were done running. I also didn't want to change plans and run Sunday since it was supposed to be in the negative digits here, and I had a pretty busy day planned.

I should of known this wasn't going to be a very fun run when we started - we could barely make out the Walkway's path, since it was covered in snow and ice. The first half of the run really wasn't the bad part, my legs felt great again till about mile 8 (started feeling some pain again in my knee). My GU felt like it was working pretty good. Which I tried the Salted Caramel, which I liked and the Vanilla Bean, which I thought tasted like ice cream.

Once we got to about mile 11-12 the snow started to get really hard, and was laying on the roads really fast. Once we got to mile 14 we were back in town, and I already had ice/snow on my eyelashes and eyebrows. I was pretty happy though because I got to see some friends who drove by, which gave me some motivation to finish.

We got back to the Walkway around mile 15 and that is when the run just got miserable. The snow was pelting us in the face, which felt like needles. You couldn't make out the path at all - for all I know I was running in the grass. It literally felt like it took 30 minutes to go that last mile. I was so happy to get back to my car and warm up!

Here are a couple pictures from once we got back to the vehicles.

Thankfully yesterday I didn't have to run at all (rest day) - it was really cold! I did have a great day attending two Birthday Parties. The one was a skating party and I was so proud of my son, he did an awesome job his first time skating. I was pretty surprised at how well I did too, I haven't skated for years - it was SO much fun.

Today is my 5 mile day - which will be done on the treadmill. We are still in the negatives here, so no way I am going outside to run - the kids didn't even have school today because of how cold it is. 

Have a Great Day Everyone and Stay Warm!


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Not a Very Good Jump Roper!

As you know from a previous post, I started jump roping 10 minutes a day to replicate running outside (since the weather and what not has been keeping me indoors). I realized I am an awful jump roper - I have the hardest time for some reason to jump over the rope, it also keeps getting stuck in my hair, caught on a passing dog - its not pretty. I do feel that what I am able to do is helping with the knee pain. I had an 8 mile run yesterday, and didn't experience any of the pain I had been feeling. I have also been stretching more, which has to be contributing to me being pain free too!

Yesterday, was my 8 mile day (second one in a row) - I don't know why but I am always so exhausted come Wednesday evening. I also ran an extra mile - I am still not 100% sure how I got it done (I was so drained/tired). The kids were also being little handfuls yesterday, so that really added to me being tired!

I also got my hydration belt yesterday and I am so happy with it!! I cannot wait to try it out Saturday - it seemed to fit me great and I love the colors of it and all of the space to carry my Gu and keys. I will update on how it held up during my 16 miler, when I post either Sunday Evening or Monday.

Today was my 7 mile run - which I did on the treadmill again (where are you Spring!!) It really wasn't to bad - but I deserve tomorrows rest day, for sure! Saturday is my 16 miler and then I get to rest again Sunday!

Hope everyone has a good weekend! I know I will but, its going to be a VERY busy one! :]


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week Day Long Runs.

Today was my 8 mile day - which I think is a pretty long run for the weekdays. It can be tricky trying to fit these runs in, you have to get creative. I got mine in after eating breakfast and before lunch, and honestly it wasn't a bad run. My knee wasn't bugging me as much as yesterday - so that was a plus. I switched it up a little and listened to Classic Rock the first 4 miles and Hip Hop (which I normally don't listen to much, but does keep you on a good pace) the last 4 miles. I also ran my last mile the fastest - later today I will be running another 1 to 2 miles. Tomorrow is another 8 mile day - which I am hoping to get done outside but, we shall see.

I noticed on Saturday that carrying around a water bottle (even though it was made for runners) was a pain! I kept losing all my water, and it was just to uncomfortable to hold for 14 miles. I have a Nathan's Hydration Belt that I bought last minute at TJ Maxx right before my 16 miler trail run last summer. It is a size large and it is HUGE, it kept falling off, even though I tried to "rig" it to get it to work. I finally ordered a new Hydration Belt that I will be getting tomorrow! I am pretty excited, this one will not only fit me but, I love the colors I could choose from - I ended up going with Pink/Purple/Gray. I am going to use it on my 16 miler Saturday - I hope it works good!!


Monday, February 9, 2015

Long Runs, Birthdays & AC/DC.

What a busy weekend I had (again) - which I think is going to be the case till after Pittsburgh. Friday evening me and the kids went to my friend Meri's sons Birthday - the kids had a blast. They loved running around, "blacklight" golf and playing with their friends.

Saturday was my long run day - 14 miles with Coach Joe. The run went relatively good, even though I had been nervous about running the distance. The only downfall was the roads and parking lots were a sloppy, wet mess! I also started getting some knee pain around mile 9 - stretched it out and it seemed to go away for the rest of the run.

I tried Peanut Butter Gu for the first time on Saturday which was an interesting experience. It tasted like Peanut Butter but, the consistency of it was super thick and pretty gross to be honest. I do think it helped though, so I will give it another shot. I also tried a new after run drink, and it really helped cut down on muscle soreness and recovery!

I also had Volleyball Saturday night (2 games) - and won both of them. I am really proud of my team we are doing really good. I was bummed I missed the 2nd game that night but, I really needed to eat and spend time with my family!

Later that night, my great friend Sarah was having a Birthday Party at the Ski Lodge. It was such a fun night - Sarah had me dying laughing and it was great being around all my friends for a "girls night". I really wish I would of braved the cold to watch them go down the hill on serving trays! haha I love all them girls, its always a fun time with them! :]

Happy Birthday Sarah!!!

Sunday was my rest day - and I made sure I did. I also felt like I was getting sick - which I hoped would be gone before today (Monday). I woke up today, not feeling good at all and having to run 5 miles. I had absolutely no energy to run, but around 3 I decided to get it done. The run wasn't to bad, and went relatively quick. It also helped listening to Classic Rock, especially some AC/DC. My knee pain came back - so I am going to add Jump Roping before or after my runs.  I really think this is going to help! 

Sweaty After Run Picture.

I have been running on the treadmill the past week and a half, two weeks (don't need getting hurt outside on ice). The way you run on the treadmill uses different muscles then when you run outside - thats where the jump rope comes in. I can try to replicate the "pushing" off the ground  with the jump rope - to activate the muscles I have been neglecting. It's worth a shot!

Tomorrow is an 8 mile day with 10 min. of Jump Rope. 


Thursday, February 5, 2015

8 Miles & Dinner with Friends.

After last night I was really worried how I would be feeling today. Surprisingly, I went to bed early and got a great nights sleep. I felt great this morning so I ran my 6 on the treadmill - and it went by really fast. I did my last mile the fastest, and after I was done my calves felt great and I felt energized! I guess I just needed a good nights sleep! :]

Tonight I got to hang out with my two good friends, Heidi and Kayla. It was great being able to see them, and catch up on everything. We went to Italian Oven and the food was delicious! I also got to see my other friend Emily - and it was great to be able to talk to her for a bit too!

Once I got home from dinner with the girls, it was time for me to get back on the treadmill for my 2nd run of the day. I did 2 miles, so my total for the day is 8. Let me just tell you - it took every ounce of motivation to get back on that treadmill. Not only was I full from dinner but I was also tired. I got it done though! Tomorrow is my well deserved rest day and then Saturday is 14 miles with Joe! I hope the weather is decent that day. I have another super busy weekend - so I will probably post on this Sunday sometime.

Have a great weekend!!



Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday is My Crash Day!

I swear every week lately, as soon as Wednesday rolls around I am beat. I seriously am so tired I could probably go to bed at 6 pm - easy. I know its from running long miles, chasing a two year old around, keeping up with my son and his activities and doing the everyday mom/housewife duties. I knew this wasn't going to be easy - I guess that's what will make it even more rewarding in the end!

Yesterday, I ran 8 miles and I did my last mile the fastest. I did this on the treadmill since the sidewalks are still a sloppy/icy mess. I have come this far - I don't need to get injured, so for now I am stuck on the treadmill. I also did my 2 miles last night, that way I could run on tired legs. Total for yesterday was 10 miles - I honestly felt great last night!

Today was another 8 mile day with my last two miles the fastest. This run was tough, I honestly had been dreading the two 8's in a row and my legs were pretty tired from yesterday. Again, this run was done on the treadmill, and the miles seemed to go so slow!

Right now as I'm writing this, I am watching the kids run in circles while my dog is chasing them barking. I am so tired, that as long as no one is getting hurt then I am okay with this. Hopefully I get a good nights sleep tonight (the past week has been awful when it comes to that)! Tomorrow I run 6, and then Friday is a much needed rest day!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far! Thanks for reading! :]


Monday, February 2, 2015

6 More Weeks of Winter.

Sorry everyone for this late post, I should of had this up last night. Between watching the Super Bowl and taking care of my son who has a cold, it just didn't happen. We all live busy lives, and sometimes unexpected things come up! I'm just one who doesn't like to slack, and well I kind of did.

Saturday was my long run day (12 miles), I had been looking forward to this run because it meant running outside! I also got a nice surprise and my friend Tim and Kevin both showed up to run with me and Joe! The run was great other then the cold and the headwinds on the walkway (those suck). I was nervous about running this distance since I had to miss last weeks long run due to my trail run I had. I did get kind of sore in my legs the last two miles (and was very ready to be done) but, after pushing it out the last tenth of a mile I felt great! This Saturday's long run is 14!

Yesterday was the Super Bowl and I enjoyed being able to watch it with the kids, my husband and my dad. Though I didn't have a team I liked playing, I was rooting for the Seahawks, which as you know didn't work out to well for them in the end. Normally, I just like watching the Super Bowl for the food, Halftime Show (which I loved this year) and commercials. My favorite commercial was the #Likeagirl from Always (which I posted at the end of my post). Having a little girl myself, I want her to realize that she can do anything she puts her mind too! Girls can do anything, and we need to keep lifting girls up and show them that they are strong!! What was your favorite commercial? You can either comment here, on my Facebook page or Twitter!

Today is the start of week 4 for training - I had to run 5 miles with my last mile being the fastest. Of course I ran it on the treadmill, there is a ton of snow and ice on the sidewalks from last nights snowstorm. I also ran another 2 miles tonight - which wasn't to bad. Tomorrow I run 8 miles, which is probably going to be done on the treadmill too.

Finally, I am officially all signed up for the Spring Thaw, which is a 10, 15 or 20 mile run. I will be doing the 20 miler! I am really excited to be participating in this, which will be on February 28th.

Thanks for Reading!
